Written by 18:02 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Realtà immigratoria, sistema scolastico e percorsi di integrazione: una proposta di ricerca e alcune risultanze dell’indagine

Bernardo Cardinale, Rosy Scarlata

Realtà immigratoria, sistema scolastico e percorsi di integrazione: una proposta di ricerca e alcune risultanze dell’indagine

Abstract: Immigration, School System and Means of Integration: Research Proposal and Key Results

The aim of the essay is to consider some characteristics of the migratory phenomenon in the region of Abruzzo, stressing the situation in the province of Teramo. Through the analysis of statistical data about schools and the resident population, the research highlights some important aspects of immigrants settling in at local schools and on the other hand it considers the behaviour of the host society towards immigrant students in compulsory schools.

Keywords: Integration, Immigration, School System.

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