Written by 10:34 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Immigrazione e mercato del lavoro in Italia: crisi di un sistema tra recessione e crescita

Elena Di Blasi

Immigrazione e mercato del lavoro in Italia: crisi di un sistema tra recessione e crescita

Abstract: Immigration and Labour Market in Italy: Crisis of the System Between Recession and Growth

Since the early beginning in the 1970s, immigrants presence in the labour market has always grown up, especially in the last two decades, due both to the progressive lack of workmen and the possibility to legally hire immigrants. Factories actually prefer to recruit regularly immigrants with a minimum wage rather than black labour. Immigrants represent a strong resource for labour market of hosting country because they perform all those tasks usually refused by local workers and they are more available to work harder and longer. Their insertion in our territory is different if located in the northern, central or southern part of Italy. This work analyses the different impacts in the recent, and still present, economic crisis, coming out from factors such as the reduction of industrial demands, the unstable work market balance, the PIL contraction, the unemployment growth, that have modifi ed work market stability causing different consequences to local and immigrant labour.

Keywords: Immigration, Labour, Economy.

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