Written by 19:09 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – Turismo e sviluppo locale sostenibile: il Parco Naturale Regionale Costa Otranto-Santa Maria di Leuca e Bosco di Tricase nella Macroregione Adriatico-Ionica

Giuseppe Calignano, Alessandra Miccoli, Liberata Nicoletti

Turismo e sviluppo locale sostenibile: il Parco Naturale Regionale Costa Otranto-Santa Maria di Leuca e Bosco di Tricase nella Macroregione Adriatico-Ionica

Abstract: Tourism and Sustainable Local Development in the “Costa Otranto-Santa Maria di Leuca and Bosco di Tricase” Regional Park in the Adriatic Ionian Macroregion

The “Costa Otranto-Santa Maria di Leuca and Bosco di Tricase” Regional Natural Park is the only coastal park in Apulia. The Park is a real point of reference for the sustainable tourism and, broadly speaking, for the sustainable local development perspectives of the area. Salento is renowned especially for its seas and beaches, but the real strong points of this area are its environmental and cultural elements. Moreover, the recent creation of the Ionian-Adriatic Macroregion offers a further precious contribution to strengthen both the ongoing actions and the future projects started by the Park and the promotion of the attractiveness of the entire area. Therefore, the aim of this paper is precisely to assess the strengths and weaknesses by means of reconstruction of the relationships between the Park and other private and public bodies since it was founded in 2006. Furthermore, the major actions carried out by the Park so far are analyzed and several development proposals are taken into consideration with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of the previous actions and to verify the expected effects of the Macroregion strategy at a local level.

Keywords: Tourism, Salento, protected areas.

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