Written by 11:52 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Uno sguardo allo specchio. Quando i migranti erano toscane e toscani

Adriana Dadà

Uno sguardo allo specchio. Quando i migranti erano toscane e toscani

Abstract: One Look in the Mirror- When the Migrants were Women and Men in Tuscany

The essay covers the salient aspects of migration Tuscan female and demonstrates the continuity in time compared to today’s migrations. The sources upon wich research is based mainly oral sources collected over many years of excavation works in the memory of the areas with the highest migration rate. Many aspects of the women who tell their story can be compared, as in a mirror, with the experiences of migrant women of today.

Keywords: Emigration, Immigration Tuscany, One Look in the Mirror.

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