Written by 12:28 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Immigrazione, accoglienza e integrazione: il caso del CARA di Bari-Palese

Maddalena Lenny Napoli

Immigrazione, accoglienza e integrazione: il caso del CARA di Bari-Palese

Abstract: Immigration, Reception, Integration. Case Study: CARA (Refuge for Asylum Seekers) in Bari-Palese

The aim of this research is to evaluate changes in migration patterns between 2008 and 2011 with specifi c reference to Bari and the surrounding area. Particular attention is given to the problems connected to the phase of integration of foreigners in Puglia. To this end, investigations were carried out at the CARA (Refuge for Asylum Seekers) in Bari-Palese. Some of the results of these investigations are included in this paper.

Keyword: Cultural Integration, Immigration, Refugees.

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