Written by 11:39 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – Il turismo intorno al Vesuvio tra diffi coltà congenite ed esperienze di valorizzazione

Barbara Delle Donne

Il turismo intorno al Vesuvio tra diffi coltà congenite ed esperienze di valorizzazione

Abstract: Tourism in Vesuvius Area Between Innate Problems and Efforts of Enhancement

The establishment of parks and protect areas is considered a way of land-use planning in line with sustainability aims. Act no 394 of 1991 and following laws on protecting have been developed believing it was possible to join nature, economy, society, tourism, culture, in keeping with integrated management. Twenty years after that implementation, the reality is far different, and many problems remain unresolved. A case in point is the Vesuvius National Park: here practical experiences of sustainable tourism have not been carried out, despite plentiful natural resources (the crater of Vesuvius Volcano, Mount Somma, naturalistic paths) and cultural resources (the Ruins of Pompeii, the Ruins of Herculaneum, Vesuvian Villas- the Golden Mile, typical products, historical towns).

Keywords: national park, tourism, cultural heritage.

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