Call for Papers per uno Special Issue della rivista MDPI Sustainability “Sustainable and Community-based Approaches for the Reduction of Landslide Impacts”
Francesco De Pascale trasmette la call for papers per uno special issue dal titolo
Sustainable and Community-based Approaches for the Reduction of Landslide Impacts
della rivista MDPI Sustainability, del quale sarà guest editor con Loredana Antronico.
Si riporta il messaggio pervenuto:
“sottopongo alla vostra cortese attenzione e a quella di tutti i geografi italiani la Call for Papers per lo Special Issue “Sustainable and Community-based Approaches for the Reduction of Landslide Impacts”, curato dallo scrivente e dalla Dr. Loredana Antronico (CNR-IRPI, sede di Cosenza) all’interno della rivista MDPI “Sustainability” (Impact Factor 2.075, riconosciuta in classe A nel settore concorsuale 11/B1, Geografia). La scadenza per l’invio dei full papers è prevista per il 30 aprile 2020, ma gli articoli potranno essere sottomessi sin da ora e verranno pubblicati se accettati, dopo aver seguito un rigoroso processo di double-blind peer review.
Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
Landslide phenomena can have significant impacts on people’s life, health, and property. These impacts are expected to increase in particular as a result of climate change and population expansion in high-risk areas. The literature and studies on landslide impact show that this natural hazard can be analyzed from a multidisciplinary perspective: Social and economic impact, “natural environment” impact, and psychological and physical impact. It this clear from this framework that the reduction of the impact of landslides can be addressed by adopting a number of appropriate strategies and methodologies. Engineering works (stabilization measures), monitoring and warning systems, urban planning strategies, environmental management, and community preparedness are but some examples. However, it is important that the methodologies and approaches used be sustainable and community-based, that is, integrated approaches that take into account the social, cultural, political, and economic dynamics of the potentially affected territory. ‘Community-based’ means working with communities to identify and provide solutions to landslide vulnerability together. This approach leads governments and local policy-makers to develop new practices and policies for reducing landslide risk. Moreover, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes and reaffirms the interrelationship between disaster risk reduction and sustainable development, such as promoting education for sustainability, upgrading education facilities, ensuring health, and building resilient infrastructure.
This Special Issue wants to address the sustainable and community-based approaches to enhancing strategies for avoiding or reducing landslide impact on people, private and public building, lifelines, and the natural environment. Consequently, this Special Issue is of interest to a broad range of scientists and humanists: Hydrologists, geologists, practitioners, civil and geotechnical engineers, environmental managers, policy makers, geographers, anthropologists, sociologists, and psychologists.”