Call for Themed Workshops EURS

Elena dell’Agnese segnala quanto segue:
“The Editors of European Urban and Regional Studies (EURS) invite Workshop proposals based on academic research that falls into the scope of the journal:

If accepted, subject to normal peer review processes, Workshops will be allocated space in the journal (theme issues, keynote articles, etc.) and, if appropriate, a contribution to Workshop costs may be made available.

Submitted proposals should set out the chosen theme rationale and justification, how the workshop will contribute to the development of work in European urban and regional studies, the organisational framework of the proposed event, and expected outputs. There is no single form that a workshop may take and the Editors are open to varied formats. Budget requests should be costed and justified. Normally we would expect proposals to be within the £2,000-£3,500 range.

Proposals not exceeding 4 pages should be submitted to the joint Editors-in-Chief, Nick Henry and Adrian Smith, by 1st May 2023 ( and If needed, feel free to contact any of the EURS Editors if you are interested in applying: