Eskişehir, Turkey, 3-5/10/2019: “Powerful Geography Education, Powerful Future” (second International Congress on Geographical Education ICGE/UCEK)
Giuliano Bellezza condivide le informazioni per il secondo
International Congress on Geographical Education (ICGE/UCEK-2019)
Le informazioni giungono da Eyüp Artvinli, il quale presiede il comitato organizzativo locale.
Si riporta il testo della email e, di seguito, la documentazione (il flyer può essere scaricato qui).
“Dear Colleagues;
The deadline of abstract submission for the second International Congress on Geographical Education (ICGE/UCEK-2019) is 25 June 2019.
We invite al geographers, geography educators and other academics in related fields, social workers, policy makers and other professionals to send original research abstracts and case studies formatted according to the given format. The Congress will be held on 3-5 October 2019 in Eskişehir, Turkey, under the theme “Powerful Geography Education, Powerful Future” by Eskişehir Osmangazi University.
For more info:“
Flyer Geography Congres-Turkey