Gender intersectionality and Climate Justice
Intervengono 8 donne, tra scienziate ed attiviste per la giustizia climatica:
Isabelle Anguelovski, Director of Barcelona Laboratory for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability
Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Co-founder of Youth Advocatesfor Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), Fridays For Future
Marta Ellena, Researcher for Regional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts (REMHI), Euro-Mediterranean Center of Climate Change (CMCC)
Hoinle Birgit, Institut für Geographie, University of Hamburg
Anne Karpf, School of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University
Ineza Umohoza Grace, Eco Feminist, Coordinator at Loss and Damage Youth Coalition (Rwanda)
Anne Heloise Barbosa do Nascimento, Youth leader on the Feminist Action Coalition for Climate Justice (Brazil)
Alice Bah Kuhnke, Coordinator for the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, Greens/EFA, European Parliament
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