IGU 2024 – sessione “Cloning the place names”
Cosimo Palagiano ricorda che è aperta la call for abstract relativa alla sessione Cloning the place names, approvata dall’International Geographic Congress (IGC), previsto a Dublino nei giorni 24-30 agosto 2024.
Ponendo l’attenzione sulla clonazione dei toponimi, lo scopo di questa sessione è quello di riflettere sulle ragioni e le sfide che sottendono a tale processo sia in contesti geografici contemporanei che passati, chiamando le studiose e gli studiosi a presentare casi di studio di interesse per questo argomento.
Di seguito la descrizione della sessione:
Many city names have garnered a particular meaning for various reasons, becoming readily globally recognizable. The reasons can be different, from historical to artistic to literary ones.
Particular placenames can be repeated across the globe, with different languages in various parts of the world, not only because of their urban or artistic affinities, but also for more different reasons linked to the reputation that the original name has assumed over time.
In many cases, the majority of ‘original names’ are European in origin, and the new ones are in other parts of the world, including the Americas, Oceania or in the colonized countries of Africa. Many contemporary place names are therefore clones of old place names through imitation. In other contexts place names, in addition to their own, take on an appellation referring to cardinal points.
This session welcomes papers that examine placename cloning in both contemporary and historic contexts and examines the reasons for this and the challenges that it represents. Participants are welcome from a range of backgrounds, career stages, and interests.
Per presentare gli abstract – entro il 12 gennaio 2024 – si deve utilizzare il modulo disponibile al seguente link: https://igc2024dublin.org/call-for-abstracts/
Per eventuali informazioni sulla sessione scrivere a: camilla.giantomasso@uniroma1.it