Inventario internazionale di studi sulla pandemia da covid-19

Giuliano Bellezza ed Elena dell’Agnese condividono una richiesta pervenuta loro da Mike Meadows, Presidente dell’IGU-UGI, relativa ad un

Inventario internazionale di lavori sulla pandemia da covid-19

si riporta il testo del messaggio di Meadows:

Wenwu Zhao, with colleagues at Beijing Normal University, and I are currently compiling an inventory of research papers published by Geographers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you, or anyone in your community, has successfully published in 2020 or 2021 a research or review article in a scientific journal or book, I would be grateful if you could please share full details of the reference with us. Papers already ‘in press’ can be included in the inventory (but not those ‘in review’ or ‘in revision’).

Le indicazioni andranno inviate a Elena dell’Agnese che provvederà a raccoglierle e trasmetterle.