Quinta “International Conference on Climate Justice Beyond the Emergency”

Il Centro di Eccellenza Jean monnet sulla giustizia climatica organizza la quinta “International Conference on Climate Justice Beyond the Emergency” il 28/06/2023 dalle ore 15.00 alle 19.00, e il 29/03/2023 dalle 14 alle 16 (come sessione all’interno delle giornate di studio “Geografia ed Ecologia Politica”)
La conferenza sarà in lingua inglese con interpretariato in spagnolo e italiano.

Tra i contributi del giorno 28/06/2023 che combinano ricerca, attivismo e pratiche nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, si segnalano

– Climate Justice and African climate youth movements: A Bigger Picture | Vanessa Nakate, Climate activist for the Rise Up Movement
– Climate Justice in the cities: the experience of Bergen Municipality | Stina Ellevseth Oseland, Director of the Climate Agency in the Bergen Municipality
– Decolonizing the Resource Commons in a Multi-scalar Political Ecologies Framework | Joshi Shangrila, Researcher of the Faculty of Climate Justice, The Evergreen State Collage, Olympia, WA
– The global campaign STOP EACOP: movements and legal actions to refuse a Fossil Future | Omar Mohamed Elmawi, STOEACOP coordinator campaigns since November 2022
– The role of ICT in Climate Change: a World Wide Waste | Gerry McGregory, author of the book “World Wide Wate. How digital is killing our planet”
– Skeptical Science: Giving facts a fighting chance against (climate) misinformation | Baerbel Winkler, coordinator and writer for Skeptical Science organization
– Passante di Mezzo: Rights of Mobility and Collective Redefinition of the Public Space in Bologna | Bologna for Climate Justice
– Climate Movements: the Milan Congress for Climate Justice | Alex Foti, climate activist and coordinator of the World Congress for Climate Justice (WCCJ)

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