Towards Utopias of Peace. Theories and Practices of Peace, Hope and Resistance in Troubled Times 

Egidio Dansero segnala la conferenza della European Peace Research Association, che si terrà a Pisa dal 5 al 9 novembre 2024 presso Le Benedettine e sarà co-organizzata dal CISP.

Il titolo della conferenza è Towards Utopias of Peace. Theories and Practices of Peace, Hope and Resistance in Troubled Times e i temi sono i seguenti:

  1. Arts and Peace
  2. Nonviolence, Resistance, Activisms and Liberation as Peace
  3. Geographies of Peace, Contested Spaces and Resistance
  4. Youth, Peace and Security
  5. New Conceptualisations of Peace and Decolonizing Peace
  6. Political Economy, Ecological Economics, Degrowth and Peace
  7. Democratic Participation, Social Movements and Peace
  8. Global Health, Care, Peace and Justice
  9. (New) media and peace
  10. Feminist Peace Research
  11. Math, Computer Science and Peace Studies
  12. Peace Education and Philosophies
  13. Disarmament and Peace
  14. Mobility, Security, Borders and Diasporas
  15. Peace Mediation, Peacebuilding and Dialogue(s)


Qui la call for abstracts, che è aperta fino al 29 febbraio 2024, e a inviare le vostre proposte.